
Services to advertising audit

If you are not sure about the efficiency of your contextual advertising, we suggest ordering a Google Ads analysis from the Galaxy IT company. This service helps to check the effectiveness of the contextual advertisement, detects and eliminates errors.

Services to advertising audit

What is contextual advertising analysis?


This is an audit of the quality of setting, design and effectiveness of advertising campaigns. The results of the revision helps the customer to understand how to optimize advertising to achieve the set goals.


In what cases is it desirable to carry out an analysis?


The analysis should be conducted if the ads do not bring any results: the number of potential customers and sales does not increase, the profit does not change. In addition, it is worth carrying out an audit if there is traffic on the site, but you notice that it is not your target audience.

Our professional recommends ordering the first audit a few weeks after launch: during this time a certain amount of data will be collected and we can analyze this.


How is the analysis of the Google Ads cabinet performed?


The audit is conducted in several stages:


  1. Systematization of the account - we check what type of advertising is used for various goods and services, determine the number of ads and the limits of each.

  2. Checking key queries, completeness and correctness of the semantic core - contextual advertising is aimed at the target audience, so it is important to correctly compose keywords and phrases that will reflect the essence of your product as fully as possible.

  3. Checking minus words - used to prevent ads from being shown to an unnecessary audience.

  4. Analysis of targeting settings - we monitor the parameters according to which advertising is configured.

  5. Checking the time of display of ads - it does not make sense to show ads at night, it will not bring any results.

  6. Audit of the site - we check whether the contextual advertising leads to the main resource, which shows the catalog of products and the list of services.

  7. Analysis of advertisement texts, images, videos - their quality, completeness, relevance, how interesting it is for customers, whether they stimulate the purchase of goods or services.

  8. Conducting analytics using Google Analytics. It shows:

  • what part of the audience is brought to the site by contextual advertising;

  • what percentage of sales comes from these ads;

  • what is the duration of the visit to the resource;

  • what percentage of rejections is.


Why should you evaluate the effectiveness of contextual advertising?


Google Ads advertising cabinet analysis is useful in order to:


  1. Understand the interests of the target audience.

  2. Improve the quality of customer service.

  3. Make sure that the money is not spent in vain.


Why do we recommend ordering contextual advertising analysis from us?


Galaxy IT offers contextual advertising analysis at a favorable price and in the shortest possible time. The work is performed by a specialist who follows trends and uses the most effective methods for qualitative analysis of the effectiveness of ads. As a result he provides productive recommendations to improve the impact of advertising on business.


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