
Infographics services

Our company Galaxy IT knows how to demonstrate complex information in a simple form accessible to the target audience, compactly visualize complex algorithms and large volumes of data, increasing business efficiency. Convince yourself of the effectiveness of infographic design and order a service from our web studio.

Infographics services

What is an infographic?


This is information expressed in the form of graphs, which helps the audience to easily understand the necessary data in a large volume. Infographics allow you to visualize the results of audits of your own business, the market, competitors, compare sales and profit indicators, reveal development prospects, and display transport logistics.


What types of infographics do we create?


  1. Image - a picture with a diagram, instruction, map.

  2. Animation - a picture with moving graphic elements: interactive map, scale of development, navigation, statistics of indicators.

  3. Video clip - an animated video with gradual disclosure of information.


In what cases do we recommend ordering infographics?


Infographics are a great marketing tool that helps your target audience remember information better, so you can use it to:


  • in presentations - infographics for presentations will show important data with the help of diagrams, tables, graphics. This original way of presenting information is more easily perceived by the audience and improves the company's image;

  • on posters, stands and other advertising materials;

  • during seminars and negotiations for a better presentation of information;

  • in marketplaces - infographics for marketplaces help display statistics on an online platform for selling goods and services over the Internet.


Why do we recommend ordering infographic development?


Well-designed infographics have many advantages for solving business problems, including:


  • allows to get the most useful information about the company, its products and services, benefits, work processes;

  • can be used in almost any project and any field: in a presentation, report, on the company's website, in a commercial;

  • provides an opportunity to clearly and conveniently demonstrate information - statistics, dynamics of growth or decline, compare one's own business with that of competitors, describe the company's structure, advantages of cooperation, specifics of goods and services, systematize achievements;

  • facilitates easy perception and memorization of information thanks to a bright design, simple diagrams, graphs;

  • attracts the attention of the audience with an original way of highlighting data with interactive elements;

  • increases customer confidence.


What stages does the infographics development consist of?


  1. Acquaintance with the business - we find out more about the company, its goals and objectives, analyze the competitors and target audience, and determine the advantages.

  2. Compilation of the brief and technical task.

  3. Formation of the concept, demonstration of several options to the customer.

  4. Creating infographics - we work out graphic elements, fill the concept with the necessary information.

  5. Approval of the project, if necessary - making adjustments.


Why do we recommend ordering infographic design from Galaxy IT?


  1. We conduct a qualitative marketing analysis before working with the project.

  2. We have a personal approach, generating interesting ideas taking into account the specifics of the business.

  3. We adhere to the deadlines agreed with the customer before starting work.

  4. We offer a service at a favorable price, which is also calculated before the start of development.


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