
Landing redesign development

Landing redesign is a useful procedure that can increase conversion and attract new customers. The Galaxy IT company will help to update the design taking into account modern trends and customer preferences at an individual price and in a timely manner. Professionals have good knowledge in programming and web design and use powerful programs and equipment.

Landing redesign development

What is a landing page redesign?


The main purpose of the landing page is to attract customers as quickly as possible, advertise the company's products/services and appeal to purchase. It should arouse interest not only with text content, but also be visually attractive. That is why it is sometimes so important to redesign the landing page - a complex procedure aimed at updating and modernizing the site to improve usability.


When should you order a landing page redesign?


  1. The landing page has lost its effectiveness and does not attract customers. If you notice that the conversion rate is dropping, you definitely need to refresh the page. Perhaps the external design does not correspond to modern trends, or lending contains outdated information. All these factors affect the positions in the search results, and therefore the results of the business.

  2. Landing is difficult to perceive. Resource visitors need ease and convenience of use. No one wants to spend a lot of effort and time to find out the answer to their question. If there is too much information on the page, or a lot of pictures that are not related to the company at all, the site looks heavy. You should pay attention to the navigation menu, thanks to which it will be easier to find everything clients needs. 

  3. Landing attracts a different audience. It is important to analyze the page, content and design. It is also worth paying attention to the source of traffic. The format and content must meet the expectations of the audience.


Redesign of the website Ukraine: stages of implementation


  1. Development of the technical task - clarification of goals, tasks and reasons for updating the design.

  2. Analysis of competitors - to avoid similarities and prevent similar mistakes.

  3. Analysis of the landing page - what should be removed, added, changed in design and functionality.

  4. Preparation of textual content and ideas for visual enhancement.

  5. Creation of the site layout and its approval by the customer.

  6. Layout of the page with adaptation to different mobile devices.

  7. Programming - changes in the program code, optimization, cleaning the layout.

  8. Testing - checking the functionality of the site, identifying possible errors, and finalizing.


How much does a landing page redesign cost at Galaxy IT?


The cost of website redesign is calculated individually for each order. It depends on the complexity of the work and the wishes of the client.

Modernize your business together with the professionals of the Galaxy IT studio!


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