
Services for UI design of the site interface

When developing a site, an important stage is the design of the user interface, which represents the entire external part of the site with which the potential client interacts. It is on the success of this interaction that the company's prospects, the number of sales and profits depend.

Services for UI design of the site interface

We recommend contacting the specialists of our Galaxy IT studio, who have extensive experience in creating UI interfaces, a wide range of knowledge and modern tools.


What is UI design?


This is the creation of a scheme of the future interface, the search for the most effective solution that will meet the business targets as accurately as possible, improve interaction with customers, and solve the needs of visitors. This is the reference point that developers should be guided by when creating a design in order to make the site convenient and attractive for the target audience. The design results are layouts and other supporting materials, which are later handed over to web designers and layout designers.


Advantages of designing a site interface


Galaxy IT specialists are convinced that this service will contribute to:


  1. The correct development of the site, which will correspond to the type and specificity of the business, the needs of the target audience.

  2. Obtaining the desired result: positive feedback from customers, increased sales and constant growth of profits.

  3. Early correction of errors that were made at the site development stage.


Thus, design helps to see how the user interface will look in the future, how customers will interact with the site, and how successful and effective this interaction will be. In addition, it is easier to make changes at this stage than when the site is completely ready. By ordering the service, you will get a better result from your business and save time.


Stages of UI interface design


There is a certain sequence of UI interface design:


  1. Carrying out a detailed analysis. Before starting work, we analyze user behavior, the scenario of interaction with the service, competitors, difficulties that the site may face, current technologies and trends.

  2. We develop models. At this stage, we define the target audience, model their needs and goals, expectations from using the resource. The site should clearly answer the customers' questions, satisfy their pain points.

  3. We form an algorithm for the client's interaction with the site. We schematically reveal the methods by which the user solves his needs through the page interface, analyze the reaction of the interface to the actions of visitors.

  4. We are developing a visual concept of the site, which will demonstrate the future appearance of the product.

  5. We present the concept to the customer, get feedback from him and, if necessary, make adjustments.

  6. We conduct testing of user interaction with the interface and the reaction of the interface to these actions.

  7. We hand over all layouts to the development team.


Why do we recommend choosing Galaxy IT?


  1. We design interfaces of various complexity and for any type of business.

  2. We fully take into account the interests of customers and the needs of the target audience.

  3. We perform the work within the stipulated deadlines.

  4. We offer favorable prices for services.

  5. Providing reports at each stage of work.


Entrust the work to us and get a good result!


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